First mining vid

The second category of videos to populate the Maximus Prime YouTube channel – exploring abandoned mines!

I’ve been doing this for a few years now, starting with a small stone mine in Balls Green, Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, aptly named “Balls Green Mine”. I’m not even sure if that’s the official name if it has one, but this was what is was labelled as on the Google Maps page which lead me to this mine and my subsequent interest in the underground world.

You may have seen some of my write-ups and photos under the Urban Exploration > Mines page. This list will steadily grow but for now I want to catch up on the current explores by creating videos for each one.

Linked below is the first video for Balls Green Mine – only appropriate I thought! I’ve tried to implement some more unique footage via use of my drone, which I think has gone pretty well for the first time. Hopefully future videos will be a bit more “slow and steady” and exclude the er… odd little bump that occurred this time round.

Let me know your thoughts!

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